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One day, my sister mentioned a chef by the name of Chef JR Robinson. So, I followed him on Instagram and I turned on notifications for his posts, because I didn't want to procrastinate and miss out on trying his food. Then, finally, he opened up a location for his restaurant Kitchen Cray Cafe in Lanham, MD! I had to try it--there was no way I wouldn't try it. 

I arrived on July 20, 2018. I walk in and the staff greeted me with hospitality. I mindfully hear the music playing-- SZA, Drake, 6lack-- a playlist that makes the environment feel THAT much more welcoming. 

Price: $16

I look at the menu and I have no clue what I'm going to order, so I ask the waitress of recommendations. She mentioned that the Shrimp and Grits was a smash on the menu and that everyone says this is "the one." I decide to get it, and I also ordered an orange juice. 

The food arrives, and by this time, Drake's "After Dark" begins playing--the timing was pretty good--I wanted to hear his Scorpion album.

The grits were undeniably amazing. The garlic cream sauce sat on the outskirts of the grits and joined forces with the aged grits, shrimp and turkey sausage for an explosion of taste. I didn't regret not one dollar I spent in Kitchen Cray Cafe and I look forward to experiencing more dishes with the people I love. 

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